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Controls II Course in Portland, ME

Controls II

This course will help students be comfortable with electric motor controls. Reading and drawing line diagrams, logic, and associated rules. Students will gain an understanding of contactors, motor starters and reversing motor circuits. Various control devices such as timers, counters and reduced voltage starting are introduced. (Note: While this course can be completed via self-paced correspondence, we strongly urge you to consider taking an in-class course in order to take advantage of our robust hands-on labs.)

The in-class version of this course cannot be purchased alone, but is only offered in conjunction with the purchase of the in-person Journeyman program.

This 45-Hour Course is approved by the State of Maine Electrical Examination Board.

Prerequisites: Basic Electricity I & II, Controls I

Required Materials: Scientific Calculator (capable of SIN, COS, TAN functions)



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